You have made it half-way through 2021 with your wits intact.
Congratulations on getting yourself to this point. We know it wasn’t easy with everything you’ve had going on but here you are.
By this point, life in New Zealand has more or less returned to “normal” or a new normal so to speak.
For all intents and purposes, we’re through the rough patches, right? No more stress and fatigue getting us down, right? Well, that’s not necessarily the case.
We know that life can throw a curve ball when you least expect it. So half-way through 2021 and we’re re-learning how we cope with the new normal. This new normal has many of us operating on a constant high alert even though we are going about our everyday lives, which from the outside may look perfect and completely in control.
Let’s face it it’s probably time for your mid-year reset. Time to evaluate what has worked with your mental and physical well-being and what hasn’t.
Did you buy a puppy to calm the kids and soak up that unconditional love that only an animal can bring? Only to find it was you who ended cleaning up everything again and making sure the couch doesn’t end up chewed to bits (even more stress). Or did you buy a gym membership to take time out for yourself only, to find the only real regular movement was cash coming out of the dwindling bank account?
At the beginning of 2021 we talked about navigating the new normal and how we may feel and what everything was doing to us mentally and physically.
One thing we hear consistently is that stress is the top issue affecting our mental and physical health, especially while we’re re-learning the new normal.
Here is a question you could ask yourself about your situation and stress levels; “What makes me feel stressed and why?” – Once you identify your stress points you can start to look at ways to manage them.
One way of managing your stress is a stress bucket. Imagine the bucket is you and the water is stress factors. If the bucket continues to fill, it’s going to overflow and you’re going to snap.

Ways to release stress can be almost anything as long as it’s something for you.
Taking up a hobby, reading a book, going for a walk around your neighbourhood, deep breathing exercises, meditation, watching a movie. Anything that allows you to take a moment can be a stress release and a “hole in your bucket”.
We all manage our lives differently and stress affects us all. Other factors can most certainly come up especially as the weather gets chillier and we see the sun less, it can have an influence our moods.
The regular issues still persist and can even feel worse during this time of year.
Issues like:
• Fatigue
• Irritability
• Headaches
• Stomach issues – bloating etc
• Feeling anxious or sad
• Weight gain
• Even trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep.
Put all those into your stress bucket and it doesn’t leave much room for anything else, while it also messes with your hormones!
NuWoman 30 PLUS Hormone Balance Support wants to help you FEEL good, FEEL better, FEEL calm, FEEL Boosted and FEEL focused.
If you’re little “off” and feel like you might need some extra help, NuWoman might be the option for you.
So how can NuWoman help you? So glad you asked!
NuWoman 30 PLUS Hormone Balance Support is a natural supplement that is scientifically formulated to effectively regulate your hormones and help you manage your life without sending your mind and body spiraling out of control with natural ingredients that have a synergistic effect on your body:
Cimi-Max® works to regulate your hormones naturally.
Tyrosine is there to assist your adrenal and thyroid function to help with hormone balance.
Chromium helps to support and regulate blood sugar level, enabling your body to function better.
Vitamins B6, B9 and B12, work to break down excess hormone levels allowing your body to remain balanced.
Calcium helps to maintain strong bones and carry out many important functions.
NuWoman 30 PLUS – your helping hand for healthy hormones, everyday.
Don’t take our word for it though, have a read around about what other women who use NuWoman have experienced – Click here
Let’s drain that stress bucket and get a new bucket that is filled with “things for me”. To help you start to get things rolling in a better direction and do something positive, we would like to offer a “bucket of happiness “or “bucket of wellbeing” to one of our blog readers every month to keep those winter blues away and get our “Stress Less Bucket” started.
So, to help you, help yourself we’re offering a our very own Stress Less Bucket, filled with items that can help you take some time for yourself – filled with goodies for some much deserved “me” time and a pack of NuWoman 30 PLUS Hormone Balance Support.
Each month, we’ll offer you something new, just comment below with what you have done to take time for yourself lately.
Check out our bucket of happiness – the Stress Less Bucket below:
I took some time to go for a long walk and pray one evening after work. Being outside in nature, seeing the moon and stars, chatting with the Creator of it all – it was wonderful.
That does sound wonderful Anni!
Went out for a coffee
Then went to the movies
Just me time ????
That is awesome Sharon! Nothing like some actual me time. Love it.